Loading Physiobank data files

To load Physiobank data files into AcqKnowledge 3.9 or higher for Mac, or 4.0 or higher for Windows:
  1. Locate the record of interest at the Physiobank database: http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/ 

  2. Download four (4) files:

    • name.atr

    • name.dat

    • name.hea

    • name.xws

  3. Launch AcqKnowledge.

  4. Choose “File > Open…”.

  5. Set “Files of type:” (in newer versions this is a pulldown menu located to the right of the “Filename” edit box) to “PhysioNet – WFDB (*)(*.*)”.

  6. Browse to the downloaded Physiobank files and open any one of the four (4) files.

Page last modified 30Dec2014

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