Clinical chart grid setting for ECG

Before setting up the grids:
After setting up the grids:
Instructions for AcqKnowledge version 3.9
1. Turn the grid on from “Display > Show > Grid”.
2. Right click on the graph and select “Grid Options”.
3. Check “Show minor division” and “Lock grid lines”; click “OK”.
4. Left click on the horizontal scale. The Horizontal Scale dialog box will appear. Click on the “Grid…” button. Enter 0.2 seconds for the “Major Division” and 0 for the “Grid reference”. Click “OK”
5. Left click on the vertical scale. The Vertical Scale dialog box will appear. Enter the “Upper” and “Lower” range for the scale (for example 2.0 and -1.0). Click on the “Grid…” button. Enter 0.5 mV for the “Major Division” and 0 for the “Grid reference”. Click “OK”.
Instructions for AcqKnowledge version 4.4

1. Turn the grid on from “Display > Show > Grid”, or click the grid toolbar icon.
2. To adjust the dash pattern, color, or width of grid lines, right click on the graph channel to be changed and select “Grid Options…”.
3. To adjust spacing, right click on the graph channel to be modified and choose “Adjust Grid Spacing…”.
4. Check “Lock vertical grid” if that box is not already checked.
5. Enter values for the inter-grid spacing of the major grid (“Major division”), a value one of the grid lines passes through (“First grid line”), click “Show minor division” if desired.
6. Similar adjustments may be made to the horizontal grid; check the “Use channel specific horizontal grid” if the currently selected channel is to have a unique set of vertical lines.
For either version, depending on the height/width of the window, the grids' appearance will vary. The aspect ratio of the window can be set precisely via Display->Size Window.
Page last modified 23Dec2014

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