Duplicating waveforms

To duplicate a waveform, select the waveform (channel) and click “Edit > Duplicate Waveform”.
For Windows versions of AcqKnowledge older than version 4.0:
  • When selecting the waveform, BIOPAC recommends choosing “Edit > Select All” so that the full waveform is selected and not a partial waveform. If only a section of the waveform is highlighted, only the highlighted area of data will be duplicated.

For AcqKnowledge version 4.0 and above to mimic earlier behavior (copying only a piece of a waveform), use the I-beam tool to select the area to be duplicated, type control-c (command-c on a Mac) or choose “Edit > Copy”.  Then choose “Edit > Insert Waveform”.

Page last modified 23Dec2014

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