MRI – Triggering

MRI “triggering” operates to drive a digital channel of data. This data is collected along with other physiological signals. There are two ways to trigger the MRI.

  • For the greatest accuracy of the timing of triggering, use an external device such as Digital Trigger Unit DTU100 or Gated Trigger System DTU200/DTU300.

There is no software processing involved and no associated delays. The digital trigger product pages contain more setup information to send a trigger based on the following physiological signals: ECG R-wave, blood pressure, respiration, and/or integrated EMG.

  • If the timing resolution does not have to be very fine, send a digital pulse with the help of AcqKnowledge.

Note that when setting up the trigger in AcqKnowledge 5 or above, analog channels must be set first in order to see the channel listing (analog) in the Trigger drop down.

Delays could be introduced because performance will depend on the specifications of the computer you are using as well as the current processing load on that computer.

See application note AS191 for details.

Associated Application Notes


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