S02 EMG 2 Mechanical Work

EMG 2 examines motor unit recruitment and skeletal muscle fatigue. Students lift hand weights to demonstrate the use of skeletal muscle and record EMG while inducing muscle fatigue. Students see the level of motor unit recruitment associated with the amount of applied force.

Experimental Objectives

  1. To record EMG response to increased weights lifted by dominant and non-dominant arms.
  2. To compare differences between male and female students.
  3. To observe, record, and correlate motor unit recruitment with increased mechanical work by skeletal muscle.
  4. To record EMG and Integrated EMG when inducing fatigue.
  5. Optional: To listen to EMG sounds and correlate sound intensity with motor unit recruitment.

Tasks Performed by the Student

  • Lift weight (bicep curl) and hold for 2 seconds.
  • Repeat cycles of weight lifting; add weight for each cycle until the Subject is lifting the maximum weight.
  • Lift the maximum weight to 45 degrees and hold it until the onset of fatigue.
  • Repeat the sequence for the non-dominant arm.
  • Optional: Listen to the sound of their EMG.


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