Tissue Bath Monitoring

Record and analyze tissue bath preparations. The TSD105A and TSD125 Series force transducers work down to the milligram range and will record responses from small aortic rings to much larger preparations. Interface with a wide variety of tissue bath stations and force transducers. Use the keyboard/mouse event marking system, or utilize one or two of the 8-channel digital marker boxes to precisely identify drug additions and wash cycles.The AcqKnowledge Event marking system can be preconfigured to match the experimental protocol and then markers are entered at the appropriate points in time. The software can identify the event marks and automatically take measurements at the points. The display allows you to simultaneously view both the trend and zoomed data. It is even possible to pause the display and compare earlier responses to the current data. Use the software to compare responses and analyze the data online for fast and efficient protocol management. The system will even allow users to trigger valves to control wash cycles and other devices during recording.

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This is one of many ADVANCED FEATURES for the selected Application. Scroll down for hardware options.
  • Simple two-point calibration
  • Multi channel calibration
  • Textual event marking
  • Remote channel marking
  • Online analysis
  • Overlap and compare responses


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